Screens. An exploration.

Screens. An exploration." "A live drawing performance inspired by the Nam June Paik show at Tate Modern. On Friday, November 29, we were invited by Tate and MoCDA to stage an interactive live art performance celebrating Nam June Paik.". To learn more about this collective project you can find an article on DaDa Digest.

Two Visual Conversation

My contribution


Soul in the Machine: an Art Experience

"Soul In The Machine: An Art Experience is a collaborative multimedia performance by 19 artists on DADA, created in real time, virtually and physically, for the Ethereal Summit 2019. It will be part of the auction that is capping the event Saturday, May 11 in New York City". To learn more about this collective project you can find an article on DaDa Digest.

360° Visual Conversation

This box includes smaller boxes with meaningful objects sent by each artist by mail.

Detail of box.


"At the RadicalXChange conference in Detroit organized by Glen Weyl, author of Radical Markets, we conducted "Sight Unseen", the first experimental channel auction where the audience bid on a provably rare collaborative digital artwork that was created simultaneously at the time of the auction by artists in different countries", writes Judy Mam.To learn more about this collective projectyou can find an article on DaDa Digest or in Italian on my blog in this article: [ITA] DADA and The Channel Auction: An Experiment.

Sighunseen conversation

Sighunseen conversation with brunches

My contribution

Dada - Fragments of conversations - IsaKost on Dada

Each work is the beginning or part of a conversation realized on,
a social on blockchain technology based on communication through drawing.

In 2019 the Dada Collective was formed, an artistic collective composed of artists from all over the world, of which I am a member and which carries out collective projects that you can see in the section Dada Collective Project.